15min amrap
3 pull-up
9 Sit-up
9 Box jump over (60/50)
*add 3 pull-ups more at each round.
*Try to go unbroken on pull-ups as long as possible, and then when you must break it down, go in short and fast sets with minimal rest between (maybe even fast singles)
Scaled 1
15min amrap
2 pull-up
9 Sit-up
9 Box jump over (60/50)
*add 2 pull-ups more at each round.
*You may use light band.
Scaled 2
15min amrap
3 Ring row
10sek hang
9 Sit-up
9 Box step over (60/50)
*add 3 ring rows more at each round.
15min amrap
3 Ring row
10sek hang
9 Sit-up
9 Box jump over (60/50)
*add Ring row more at each round.
10x 500m row
*Rest 1min between intervals.
*Aim is to go at same good pace each interval.
Every 3min for 18min
3 Front squat
3 Push press
*Rest as needed between squats and presses.
*Push press bar from the ground.
*Use weights that are around (80% of one rep max)
*Maximum the bar speed when the bar is moving up.
Every 3min for 18min
3 Front squat
3 Push press
*Rest as needed between squats and presses.
*Push press bar from the ground.
Rinnalleveto ja työntö tekniikkaa
Partner metcon
8 Rounds as relay
15/12cal Row
9 Toes to bar
9 Wallball (9/6)
6 Fence over burpee
12/9Cal Row
9 Knee raise
7 Wallball (6/4)
5 Burpee
Cap 20min
Partner metcon
8 Rounds as relay
12/9cal Bike
9 Knee raise
7 Wallball (9/6)
5 Burpee to plate
Cap 20min
Kipping pull-up practice
Maanantain tai torstain endu
9.30 Revovery-Wod
16.00 Rästi-Wod (ti / ke)
17.00 Revovery-Wod
17.00 Painonnosto
18.15 Endurance
19.15 Recovery-Wod
20min mobility by movement
40min mobility work to squat depth and shoulder mobility
Tempaus tekniikkaa
3 rounds for time:
1000m row / 2000m Bike
60 Box jump
30 No jump burpee
Cap 30min
Snatch practice
4x Ot2m
3 Hi-hang squat snatch
*Rest 2min
4x Ot2m
2 Hang squat snatch
*Rest 2min
4x Ot90sek
1 Squat snatch
*This workout is not for hitting new pr.
Keep weights that you can concentrate on having good mechanics and build comfort to the movement.
*Beginners should lift each round from hang.
*Advanced should use moderate weight.
Snatch practice
4x Ot90sek
3 hang power snatch + overhead squat
*Rest 2min
4x Ot90sek
2 Hang power snatch + overhead squat
*Rest 2min
4x Ot90sek
1 Hang power snatch + overhead squat
*try to add some weight when reps decreases. Concentrate on learning the movements.
*TalviKarkelot kilpailijoille tiedoksi.
Lauantaina klo 12.00 – ilta, salilla kuvataan materiaalia kisoihin, niin olisi kiva lajien kilpailijoilta salassa pysymisen kannalta että et tule tuohon aikaan salille. Rajoitus ei siis koske muita kuin niitä jotka aikoo virallisesti suorittaa karkelo lajit.
For time
(example) RX+
27 hspu (level to to ground)
9 Deadlift (140/100kg)
21 Hspu (10kg deficit)
15 Deadlift (120/85kg)
15 Hspu (20kg deficit)
21 Deadlift (100/70kg)
9 Hspu (20+10kg deficit)
27 Deadlift (80/55kg)
(example) RX
27 hspu
9 Deadlift (120/85kg)
21 Hspu
15 Deadlift (100/70kg)
15 Hspu
21 Deadlift (80/55kg)
9 Hspu
27 Deadlift (60/40kg)
(example) Scaled 1
21 hspu
3 Deadlift (120/85kg)
15 Hspu
9 Deadlift (100/70kg)
9 Hspu
15 Deadlift (80/55kg)
3 Hspu
21 Deadlift (60/40kg)
(example) Scaled 2
15 push-up
6 Deadlift (70/50kg)
12 Push-up
9 Deadlift (70/50kg)
9 Push-up
12 Deadlift (70/50kg)
6 Push-up
15 Deadlift (70/50kg)
This workout should me more muscle strength than skill practice. Scale hspu that short sets are from difficult level. You may also chance the movement during workout if possible, long set -> push-up, medium set -> pike push-up from box -> short hspu.
Deadlift, short sets heavy then take off that last set is around 50-60%of 1rep max. Beginner athletes should do this workout with moderate weight and work the mechanics.
Rep scene:
Advanced 27-21-15-9
Intermediate 22-18-12-6
Beginner 15-12-9-6
Lihaksistolle kuormittava viikko takana joten tämä on syytä ottaa levon / palauttavan harjotuksen kannalta, että tankeissa olisi ensiviikolla taas virtaa.
Palauttava harjoitus
15min soutu
15min hiihto
15min pyörä
*Kaikki pk sykealueella (kellosta sininen)
20-30min venyttely / rullaillu
*Palauttavassa treenissä rentoja pidempiä venyjä 30-45sek / veny. Sama rullailussa rauhallisesti ja kevyesti 30-60sek / kohta