Huom! Wodit 9.30 / 10.30 / 16.00 /17.00 / 18.00
4 x 4min AMRAP
3 hang power cleans (60/42,5 kg)
6 shoulder-to-overheads
9 lateral burpees over the bar
12 pull-ups
* Rest 2:00 between rounds.
Hyvää uuttavuotta!
Huom! 90min Wodit 9.30 / 11.00 / 12.30 / 17.00
In teams of 4
as many reps in 60min as possible
**In any order and all athletes may work at the same time.
300 double under
300 Air Squat
300 Sit-up
300 Lunge steps
300 2kb deadlift (24/16)
200 1db push press (17,5/12,5)
200 Box step over
200 Kb snatch (17,5/12,5)
200 Kb swing (24/16)
200 Box over jump
200 2kb deadlift (32/24)
100cal Row
100cal Ski
100cal Echo-bike
100cal Bike
100 Push-up
100 Pull-up
100 Toes to bar
100 Clean & jerk (40/30kg)
100 Deadlift (80/57,5)
50 Chest to bar pull-up
50 Toes to rings
50 Pike hspu
50 Handstand push-up
50 Thrurster (40/30)
50 Clean & jerk (60/42,5)
50 Deadlift (100/70)
10 Wallwalk
10 Bar muscle-up
10 Rope climb
10 Clean & jerk (80/57,5kg)
10 Deadlift (120/90)
Hyvää uutavuotta!
Ei ojattuja tunteja. Lepoa niin jaksetaan sitte loppuviikko painaa!
Huom! Wodit 9.30 / 10.30 / 16.00 /17.00 / 18.00
“CrossFit total”
1rep max back squat
1rep max shoulder press
1rep max deadlift
Huom! Wodit 9.30 / 10.30 / 16.00 /17.00 / 18.00
“Open 18.1”
20min Amrap
8 toes-to-bars
10 DB hang clean and jerks (15/22.5 kg)
12/14-cal row
* Perform 5 clean and jerks with one arm, then 5 with the other.
For time with partner
180 Wallball
30 Bar muscle up
60 Snatch (52,5/37,5)
*Target time under 22min
3-5 rounds.
Have comfort pace, some movements should rise your heart rate a little bit but not to near red zone. Some movements are easier to lower bpm.
40sek on / 20sek off
- Echo bike
- Box step up
- Kb swing (vertical)
- Echo bike
- 1-leg V-up
- Plank
- Ski
- Single under / cross over / double under
- Wallsit
- Ski
*Rest 2min between rounds