With partner as relay
8 rounds for time (4 each)
7m handstandwalk
200m run
16 Thruster (42,5/30)
Cap 30min
8 rounds for time (4 each)
7m weelbarrow walk
200m run
16 Thruster (30/20)
Cap 30min
For time
21cal Row
15 Front squat (70/50)
9 Ring muscle-up
15cal Row
9 Front squat
6 Ring muscle-up
9cal Row
6 Front squat
3 Ring muscle-up
Cap 12min
Scaled 1
21cal row
15 Front squat (50/35)
9 Jumping ring dip
15cal row
9 Front squat
6 jumping ring dip
9cal row
6 Front squat
3 Jumping ring dip
Scaled 2
18cal row
12 Front squat (42,5/30)
9 Ring push-up
13cal row
9 Front squat
6 Ring push-up
8cal row
6 Front squat
3 Ring push-up
For time
30 Hspu
50 Lunge steps (1×22,5/15)
30 Toes to bar
50 Box jump over
30 Chest to bar
50 Wallball (9/6)
Cap 15min
*Every starting minute perform 3 burpees
Scaled 1
For time
30 Push-up
50 Lunge steps
30 V-up
50 Box step over
30 pull-up
50 Wallball (6/4)
Cap 15min
*Every starting minute perform 2 burpees
Scaled 2
For time
20 Push-up
30 Lunge steps
30 1-leg V-up
30 Box step over
30 jumping pull-up
30 Wallball (6/4)
Cap 15min
*Every starting minute perform 1 burpee
Nikon versio
For time
30 Deficit Hspu
50 Lunge steps (2×22,5)
30 GHD-sit-up (9kg ball)
50 Box jump over
30 Chest to bar
50 Wallball (9)
*Every starting minute perform 3 burpees
*with 9kg west
Cap 15min
9.30 Huolto
16.00 Painonnosto
17.00 Huolto
18.15 Endurance
19.15 Huolto
Rinnalleveto ja työntö tekniikkaa ja nostelua
3 rounds for time:
800m run
60 Air squat
50 Sit-up
40 Lunge steps
30 Push-up
20 Burpee
Cap 45
Active recovery
Elikkäs harjoitus sisältää aktiivista toimintaa mitkä availee paikkoja ja samalla tulee kevyt hiki. Toimii palauttavana alkuviikosta.
9.00 Wod
10.00 Wod
11.00 Wod
24min amrap with partner
50 Double under (5 at the time)
40 Hollow rock (4 at the time)
30 Fatbar deadlift 70/50 (3 at the time)
20 Kb cluster (2 at the time)
10 Wallwalk (one at the time)
2-3kierrosta sillai mukavuus vauhdilla. Ei punaiselle.
1000m hölköttely
50 Air squat
40 Sit-up
30 Ring row
20 Push-up
1000m Row
40 Lunge steps
30 1-leg v-up
20 ring row
10 Push-up
2000m Bike
30 Jumping squat
20 V-up
10 Ring row
5 Push-up